About Us!

Who are we?

We are a collective of "artists" broken up into different teams to run different projects. We do whatever we want.

I don't understand your tone

Sorry, basically everything is a joke. We do parody art.

What is your philosophy?

We do whatever we want, basically with no forethought, and say yes to basically every idea. We really are driven by the brainrot.

What are your teams?

Right now, April Team (that made Teto's Birthday Bash DELUXE !!), and a team-in-progress called Groovy Gang for now. To meet some of our artists, Click here! (or just scroll down)

Why do your projects keep revolving around Kasane Teto?

honestly i have no idea why that keeps happening it wasn't even like intentional. teto just spins around in our brains like in a microwave

Who is your little mascot logo dude?

Thanks for asking! Their name is starchild!

I have another question or am curious about something else!

You're always welcome to send an email to contact@studiobrainrot.org describing your question! There are no stupid questions, and someone will usually reply quickly!

Meet "Some" of Our "Artists!"

We are lucky enough to work with a lot of amazing artists across our teams! Here are some of our core people who have stuck around! (Yes, they all wrote their own blurbs. Yes, they're funnier than they have any right to be).


Paulie is (by process of elimination) Studio Brainrot's "creative director"! They enjoy directing everyone's creative efforts into big culminating "projects"! You can find out more about them at their personal website, paulie.lol

You can contact paulie at paulie@studiobrainrot.org


Uray is an independent musician and artist! Yeah man! Make way for the Chaotix son!

You can find uray on their newgrounds page!


The UX/UI artist we picked up off the side of the road, responds well to treats!

You can contact medli at medli@studiobrainrot.org!


"Azalea" is a "rabbit" on the "internet" who serves as the "court jester" of "studio" brainrot!

Webmaster's note: Jokes aside, Azalea is a wonderful asset to our "studio."

You can contact Azalea at azalea@studiobrainrot.org!